Wednesday, December 7, 2011

This week!

Last prayer time of the semester will meet this Friday at 7am at John and Elya's!

Join us Sunday morning for bible study at 9am

Pioneer college will be hanging Christmas lights and celebrating with the community of New Haven on Saturday from 4 to 6!

Pancake study break sunday night from 8 to 9:30! Sausage, eggs, bacon, and FREE! Pancakes will be waiting for you!

Have a great week!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Give Thanks

Eating turkey, sweet potatoes, green beans, and pumpkin pie may not come again for another year, but the theme of Thanksgiving can be on our minds and hearts every day! Here are some verses to ponder that tell about the importance and necessity of being thankful:

Colossians 2:6-7
…just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

Colossians 3:15
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.

Hebrews 12:28
Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe,

Philippians 4:6
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Be joyful always, pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Psalm 107:8
Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind,

Psalm 9:1, 7:17
I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds...I will give thanks to the LORD because of his righteousness; I will sing the praises of the name of the LORD Most High.

What are you thankful for?
Having a loving family, supportive friends, clean water, and the opportunity to go to college, are just some of the many things we might say in response. There are countless things we can thank and praise God for every moment we’re alive.

It’s easy to forget sometimes though, that we are called to be thankful for everything, not just for things that are obviously blessings, but for difficult circumstances as well. Paul talks in 2 Corinthians chapters 11 and 12, about all the hardships he has endured and how tormenting his “thorn in the flesh” was. But through all that, he manages to say “…I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me…I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak then I am strong” (12:9-10). We can be thankful for things that seem despairing because we know God is working in every aspect of our life. He can display His power when we are weak, and he can turn any situation into one that brings Him glory.

Let’s be “overflowing with thankfulness” today for everything in our life.

Happy Thanksgiving! (It might be a week late, but I’ll say it anyway. :) )

- SL

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Howdy All!
Holy cow this semester has gone by quick! It seems like just yesterday we are coming back to Abilene to start the new year and now here we are with just 2 weeks left. I for one have had a great semester; I have met a bunch of new friends and I have had a lot of fun and I have even learned a little bit along the way. However it seems that I am stuck in the grind and I know these last 2 weeks are going to be killer. I would just assume be done and be home for the break but I would like to encourage you to press on. It says in 2 Chronicles 15:17b "Be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded." That verse has been an encouragement for me these last few days and I would like to make this a prayer for all of us college students looking for strength these last few papers, essays and final exams.
I heard a great quote by the late basketball coach, Jimmy Valvano, he said, "Don't give up... don't ever give up." Hopefully that can be the attitude you take in the next 2 weeks.
Currently listening to "Love Wins" by Robbie Seay Band

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Hey guys! Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!
Friday morning we will have coffee, breakfast, and prayer at 7a.m. at John and Elya's house
Sunday morning is College Bible Study at 9a.m.
Join us Sunday at noon in room 150 for the College Christmas Party! FREE! Lunch, fun games, and awesome give-aways! Wear your best Christmas Sweater for a chance to win a prize!
No FREE! Meal at 6 this week.
Dec. 10th Service Project from 4 to 6
Dec. 11th Pancake Study Break at 8!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Sunday 11/13 - Jeremiah

This past Sunday we heard a lesson about Jeremiah! Here’s a recap for anyone who was not at Bible study, or if you would like a reminder…

Jeremiah was a prophet called from God to deliver bad news to Judah. In chapter 1 we see God make Jeremiah some wonderful promises. God said his presence would always be with Jeremiah and he would protect him.

In chapter 20 however, we see a stark constrast. Jeremiah is crying out to God asking him to curse the day he was born! He is fed up with being ridiculed and mocked. He begins to wonder where God is in the midst of his troubles. But, even through his doubt and frustration, he continues to do as God tells him. He might have hesitated to continue doing God’s work, but his hesitation did not lead to refusal.

Jeremiah shows us how it is okay to be honest with God. We will all have times in our life that are extremely difficult, but it is important even if we doubt, to not forget the promises God has given us, to not give up, and to keep pressing on to follow God’s will for our lives. Just because we experience opposition at times, and things may get hard, that doesn’t change God’s plan for us. God doesn’t promise to make life easy, but he does promise to be with us through it all. When we have times of doubt, we can use that time to strengthen our relationship with God and deepen our faith. When it seems like we’re stuck in the middle and we have lost sight of God’s initial promises and of how great the ending will be, we can find out more about who God is and who we are. God’s power is made perfect in our weaknesses. When we struggle, he can work the most! Being the hands and feet of Christ costs us everything, but it is by far the best thing we could ever do in our entire life.

When we feel we have lost sight of God, remember that we can come to him with anything. Jeremiah gives us an example of what being brutally honest with God can look like, but he also shows us how important it is to fulfill God’s call and not give up even when things get rough.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

This week!

Coffee and Prayer at John and Elya's- Friday at 7a.m.

We are really excited about this Sunday. The topic is Global Awareness. We will be hearing testimonies from several students. You won't want to miss it! - College Bible Study Sunday morning at 9a.m.

FREE! Meal Sunday night at 6!- Opportunity to help others: Bring loose change or money to help fight World Hunger!

Can't go home for Thanksgiving?? A couple from the church would love to have two college students over for a Thanksgiving Meal at their home! If you are interested contact Gayla at First come first serve!

Have a great weekend and a wonderful break!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Hey guys!
Join us Friday morning at 7a.m. for coffee and prayer at John and Elya's house!
FREE! Breakfast will be Sunday at 9 followed by College Bible Study
FREE! Meal is Sunday night at 6p.m.
Have a great week!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Camp Eagle! - Part 1

We’re back! What an amazing few days many students at Pioneer had in Rocksprings, Texas this past weekend. Thank you to all who went and helped to make the retreat a success! Whether by rock climbing, navigating a dark underground labyrinth, swinging like Tarzan in The Mill, or sleeping and meditating on God’s word, I think it’s safe to say everyone got a much needed break from the stressors of school. It was a wonderful time to get to know others, withdrawal from our day to day routine, and find rest and excitement!
Here are some pics!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Comfort Zones

Howdy all, It's that time again where I get to write down thoughts I have on the Philosophy of Religion and the question of Theodicy...not really that would be awful for both you and me. I would like to share with you what a significant portion of my summer consisted of. I spent half of this summer in Branson, Missouri working a K-Kountry, a Christian summer camp for 7-11 year olds where it's all about fun, our slogan is "The Happiest Place on Earth." and it really is, if you know Kelsey Evans or Bubby Harrell they can attest to that. Working at kamp (it's all about the K) was a tremendous blessing. Honestly I was far from 'pumped' to work this summer. It was going to require sacrifice, I was going to be pushed out of my comfort zone and I was going to be making far less money as a counselor than I would have made working at home, but sometimes we have to take risks and I can say now I am so glad I followed God's call for my summer and went to Branson.

Kamp was a blast, I got to work with some amazing college students from around the country and I got to see kids experience a real encounter with the God of the universe. I consider this summer one of the most rewarding experiences while also being one of the most exhausting, and if given the opportunity I would do it again in a heartbeat. I learned so much while working, I learned what it meant to sell out for Christ and give it your all... Even when I was tired and worn out, because I was there to give kids the best summer of their lives and show them Christ.

I learned real quick that I could not do it on my own. I was a parent, a coach and a friend to a bunch of kids 24/7 for 4 weeks and it wore me out. This summer I learned how to rely on God to get through the hard times. It was the mourning quiet time and late-night porch talks with my co-consoler that made waking up that next day much easier. It was the encouragement and prayer that help me realize that I had to strip away flesh and remember I was there for the kids. In the end all of the piggy back rides up the hill after ultimate recess, all the cheers and skits, all the kids jumping on you and tackling you in the swimming pool, all the long days teaching archery and tennis were worth every second of it. I saw kids live's changed. I saw God's spirit move and I had a lot of fun along the way.

Sometimes God calls us to step out of our comfort zone, it won't be easy, but it will be rewarding, both in your life as well as in others.

Currently listening to: "Let Us Love" by NeedToBreathe

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Helllllooooo there!

  • Join us Sunday morning for Bible Study at 9a.m.

  • No FREE! Meal this week :( It will be back Nov. 13th!

  • Camp Eagle is this weekend! Woo hoo!

Hope everyone is having a great week!

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Opportunity for service this Saturday from 4 to 6 at the friendship house Halloween carnival! If you are interested in helping work a booth or hanging out with kids let us know!

Prayer meets Friday morning at 7 at John and Elyas house!

College Bible Study is Sunday at 9am

FREE! Meal is Sunday night at 6! Costume contest- prizes for the best dressed!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Fullness of Christ

I was reading in Colossians this week and verses 9-14 in chapter 2 really struck me. I realized how important it is to remember the main point of the whole Gospel. Many of us have heard about Jesus dying on the cross so much that it becomes something we just skim over. But what a refreshment it is to examine what he really did, to stop and think about his amazing work. We have been given “fullness in Christ” (v 10)! And Christ is the fullness of God and has ultimate power over the whole universe! We are heirs with Christ, we were buried and raised with him, and he gives us access to all things his. I find myself often thinking how if this or that was added to my life it would make it so much better, but God says He will satisfy us completely. Everything we could ever want or need can be found in Him alone. When Christ died, our sinfulness was cut off from us, completely detached. We no longer are bound in sin. It may seem like sin is still a part of us but really, for we who are Christians, it is not a part of who we are at all. God has made us completely pure. It may still be in our life (we still sin), but Christ died so that our flesh no longer rules us. Sin has no power over us. We have been given the right and the authority to banish it away.
Let’s remember Christ’s work on the Cross. He has forgiven us. He has made it so there is a way to get to Him without owing him anything. We have been given all of Christ, all of God; sin is not a part of God in any respect, so it is no longer a part of us. When it creeps into our minds and our lives, let’s not give it a chance to take over. Christ has given us the power to resist it and turn away.

Thank you Jesus for making us alive in you! Thank you that our flesh no longer rules us, but your Spirit does. You have done the work to rid us of all unrighteousness. Help us today to fight back the sinful desires we still have. They do not have any part in our lives and we know that with your power, we can turn the other way. Thank you that you are all we need. Help us to fix our eyes on you alone. Rid us of all distractions so we can focus on your face and can grow deeper in a beautiful relationship with you. Amen.

- S

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Hello friends!

Friday morning at 7 is Prayer at John and Elya's house! There will be coffee so get excited!

College Bible Study is Sunday at 9a.m. followed by FREE! Meal at 6pm! Spread the word!

Sunday is the last day to sign up for Camp Eagle Fall Retreat! Cost is $85 Let us know if you are interested!

Cowboys for the Cure is next week. If you are interested in putting together a soft ball team let us know and we will get you more information! Check out the Facebook Event Cowboys for the Cure for more details!

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hey guys!

There is no prayer or FREE! Meal this week. It will be back next week!

Join us for coffee, donuts, and Bible Study Sunday morning at 9a.m!

Sign up/ pay for Camp Eagle fall retreat! You won't want to miss it!
This Sunday is the last day to pay $75 for Camp Eagle! If you pay after the 16th, the cost will be $85!

Have a great week!

Monday, October 10, 2011

We Can Find Joy in Waiting

This week I came across the poem below in a book I’m reading. It gave me much reassurance about various things and I thought I would share! What a wonderful reminder that God will give us what we need when we need it, that He desires to give us good gifts, and that we can have joy and praise him during times of wait.
Patience has been a difficult fruit of the Spirit to cultivate in my life, and I know it is hard for many people to feel content and joyful while waiting for something “bigger” or “better” in the future. Let’s remember that the life we have is a treasure, the moments we live now can be filled with joy even if we feel we haven’t “arrived” at where we need to be. God has everything in control, He has marvelous plans for our futures, but he also wants us to use the current time we have to accomplish his plans and purpose. He may have gifts in store for us now, or things he wants us to do, that we unknowingly let pass by because we are waiting for something to happen down the road. If you are in a season of waiting, you can trust God will provide exactly what you need when the time is right. Let’s give Him control of our lives, trust that He knows best, and discover the glorious moments we can spend in His presence right now.

"What is the point?" By Josiah Schwartz

The point in waiting is to enjoy
To love and worship God
In every act of your life
Including the waiting.
And in the waiting
Remember His nature
That He is the Giver of every perfect gift
That He desires to lavish you with such treasures
Treasures that are worth the wait
Solely because He is in them.
Rest in this:
He is going to give you
Exactly what you need
At exactly the time you need it.
That is reason to smile
That is reason to breathe easy
And rest in Him.
Let go of “when” and “if”
Because His ways
Are so much higher than yours.
His thoughts
Beyond what you could ever fathom
Because He loves you.
Oh, how He loves you.
And that is the point
of your entire existence
To experience His presence
His love
Inside every moment
Especially in the waiting.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Ways to Connect

Hey friends!

Join us Friday morning at 7a.m. for coffee and prayer at John and Elya's House!

This Sunday you get 2 FREE meals!!
FREE! Breakfast is Sunday morning at 9a.m. followed by Bible Study
FREE! Meal=Sunday night at 6! Check twitter & facebook Sunday at noon for the menu

Camp Eagle Fall Retreat (Nov. 4-6) is only $75 if you sign up before Oct. 16th! You won't want to miss this so reserve your spot ASAP (send us a message, or sign up on Sunday)

We are looking for a college guy to mentor a boy from Bonham Elementary. He is in need of a male role model to hang out with him and invest in him! Let us know if you are interested....about an hour/week.

If you are interested in singing in the Pioneer Drive Christmas Ensemble, let us know and we will get you more information!

Have a great week!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Lesson From 1 Peter

Last weekend Pioneer’s college leadership team went on a retreat where we learned valuable things about approaching our plans for this year with college ministry. Although we were there to learn about our roles as leaders and to talk about what this ministry can look like, I gained insight on areas in my life that I feel need changing. I’ve felt through this semester that God has called me to live a different way than how I am going about my life right now. I came to realize the amount of time I spend taking naps, getting on facebook, checking email, and just hanging around my room is far too much. I have known for some time there are habits in my life that need changing and now I feel ready to actually try and change them. I say try, really it will mean surrendering it all to God and allowing Him to work in me and provide the resistance to temptation I will need.

As college students it is so easy to rationalize taking time for ourselves. We feel like we really need that two hour nap, or that it’s okay to splurge on some cheesecake and chocolate cake during fiesta day in the Caf (guilty!), or that checking facebook 10 times a day is no harm as long as it’s not an hour at a time. But as I came back and glanced through His word, I found the inspiring and convicting verses written above. We are to be self-controlled, to resist our fleshly desires, and to be holy in all we do. That might sound like drudgery, but it can actually become a great joy when we follow in the ways Jesus wants us to. If I would start studying more, spend less time with social media, take care of my body by not eating all the junk food I see in sight, and maybe just walk around campus and enjoy the beautiful weather; I would feel more accomplished, less stressed, and it might even give me opportunities to talk with people and invest in others lives instead of thinking of myself. A challenge for this week is to evaluate how we live each day. Are there things we do that seem self-focused instead of God-focused? Is there a way we can honor God more with how we conduct ourselves and how we spend our time? Are we being holy (set-apart, conducting ourselves in a way that is God honoring) in all we do? If you feel there is something in your day to day life that could be changed to better honor God, start now! There is no time like the present.


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

This Week:

Join us Friday morning at 7a.m. for coffee and prayer at John and Elya's!

Sunday morning at 9a.m. -Coffee, donuts, and Bible Study!

FREE! Meal is Sunday night at 6! Follow us on Twitter to find out what's for meal!

We are looking for two male student's to mentor 2 young boys from Bonham elementary school in need of a male role model. Time commitment would be about one hour per week, just hanging out, playing video games, or eating lunch. The commitment would need to be through May. Let us know if you are interested in helping serve one of our neighbors!

Have a great week!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Seeing God at Lunch

So I have been reading a couple books lately about Corrie ten Boom, and it hit me how reluctant I have been the past few years to share my faith with people. It’s an easy thing to do on Sundays or around Christian friends when topics present themselves, but actually bringing up a spiritual conversation with someone in regular conversation, especially around a non-Christian has been something I haven’t done in a really long time. So the other day I was praying and asked God to provide a conversation at lunch the following day that would be God-centered, one where I might even be able to tell someone about Jesus! The next day I was a little skeptical, seeing as I hadn’t done that this whole semester and wondering how the following 30 minutes spent in the Caf would be any different from other days. I get my food and see a girl sitting alone so I go and sit across from her. She happens to be someone I have met before. We had talked previously some about how she doesn’t really have a religion, she has never been to church, and a majority of people around her back home are of a different religion. We started talking about school, places to go visit, education and the culture difference between where she is from and here…just carrying on a normal conversation. Then, I find out she went to a Bible study last week and I asked her how it went. Later she asked if I knew much about Buddhism, and I said I had heard about their belief in reincarnation. She asked if Christians believed in reincarnation and I said “No, we believe God created us and he came to earth in human form (Jesus) to die for us and take away our sins so we could be forgiven and live forever with him in Heaven…” and the conversation was off! We talked about creation, Jesus, sin, the joy I have from a personal relationship with God etc. At the end she mentioned how she has never felt that joy before and wondered if being a Christian is the only way to feel that. I said yes, it comes from having the Holy Spirit inside of us and being able to talk with Jesus and know him personally (a lot to take in for someone who hasn’t been exposed much to the faith, I know!). Then she asked about why there are evil people in the world, but I had four minutes to get to class, so we decided to continue talking later. …What an answer to prayer! I left the cafeteria feeling completely joyful and excited that God actually gave me an opportunity to share about him! He is so good! Its little things that happen like that which serve to remind us of His constant and living presence in our lives. May your week be blessed and may you see the fingerprints of God through situations you’re in as well!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Here's what's happenin!

Join us Sunday morning at 9a.m. for a time of fellowship, worship, and discussion! Donuts and coffe, followed by Bible Study!

FREE! Meal is Sunday night at 6p.m.

Camp Eagle Fall Retreat is November 4-6th! Mark your calendar, you won't want to miss it! Weekend full of relaxing, community, and more fun than you can handle! Let us know if you are interested.

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Through the Darkest Times, His Light Will Shine

After being told I need to read The Hiding Place several times by my mom, I finally resolved to push pas the first 5 pages and actually finish the book. And it was worth it! For those who haven’t heard about this book by Corrie Ten Boom; it is an inspirational true story about an amazing Christian family who helped protect Jews during the time of the Nazi invasion. Two sisters, Corrie and Betsie, got captured and sent to various jails and labor camps. Amongst these terrible conditions, they were able to adopt an attitude of joy and see God’s love shining through even when their surroundings seemed so dark. They lived in insanely crowded and miserable conditions, with lice and fleas everywhere. They had reeking and soiled straw they used for bedding; they ate little food, were summoned for hours of role call in the middle of the night, and were forced to do hard labor, among other things. But through this seemingly hopeless situation, Corrie and Betsie knew there was hope. They saw God work in amazing ways while going through their darkest time in life. They were able to sneak their Bible past all the guards, they had “sermons” in their barracks which many women gathered for without guards noticing, and the Lord even supernaturally extended the small supply of medicine they had so help the sick around them. The Ten Booms were selfless in every situation, and because of their desire to obey the Lord and the faith they had in Him, they witnessed amazing changes in the people around them and they were able to experience His comforting presence even through their tough trials.
Here is a passage from page 177 of The Hiding Place:

“It grew harder and harder. Even within these four walls there was too much misery, too much seemingly pointless suffering…But as the rest of the world grew stranger, one thing became increasingly clear. And that was the reason the two of us were here…from morning until lights-out, whenever we were not in ranks for roll call, our Bible was the center of an ever-widening circle of help and hope…the blacker the night around us grew, the brighter and truer and more beautiful burned the word of God. ‘Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? ...Nay. In all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.’
…More than conquerors…it was not a wish. It was a fact. We knew it, we experienced it minute by minute - poor, hated, hungry. We are more than conquerors. Not “we shall be” but we are! Life in Ravensbruck took place on two separate levels, mutually impossible. One, the observable, external life grew every day more horrible. The other, the life we lived with God, grew daily better, truth upon truth, glory upon glory.”

Sometimes situations in our lives seem hopeless. Things happen and we don’t understand why. We feel stressed out, exhausted, and lonely. But we have a Savior who adores us to no end. We have a Maker who knows everything about each of his creations and He has a plan for each and every one of us. He can use the seemingly impossible situations in our lives to bring glory to Him. Sometimes, it is through the darkest places in our lives where we see God the fullest. The harder things get, the more we need God and the greater his glory and unsurpassing beauty can be displayed for all to see. God is good. May we be encouraged this week, through whatever we’re going through, and remember that God is right here with us, he will never leave us, he desires to reveal himself through our situation, and he cares deeply.

This week!

Hey friends!

If you are interested in joining a Home Team let us know and we will get you more information!

Join us Friday morning for a time of Prayer at 7a.m. at John and Elya's house.

Sunday morning at 9a.m. we will have coffee, donuts, and Bible Study in room 150!

Sunday night is FREE! Meal!! It starts at 6p.m. Look on Twitter and Facebook Sunday at noon to find out what we are having!

Have a great week :)

Justin's Story

Howdy all!

My name is Justin Sizemore I am a sophomore at Hardin-Simmons. It sure is crazy we are already in our third week of classes and school is in full gear. The quizzes, tests, and essays have started to pile up. The weeks are always busy and I look forward to a time where I can just sit back and be with other guys and talk about life, a break from the hustle-n-bustle. Last year I got connected at Pioneer through “Home Teams.” It was that break I needed, it got me off campus, and it allowed me to really get to know people I would have otherwise not. Home Teams are great because it gives you an opportunity to just talk about life; they are a place of refuge and safety. Home Team are what “sold” me on Pioneer as a church home while here in Abilene. They are a great way to develop that community we all desire. I want to encourage you to consider joining a Home Team, it can be a blessing if you let it…It is for me.



Currently listening to: “Moving Backwards” by Ben Rector

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Weekly Update-September 6, 2011

Hey everyone!

It has been such a blessing to part of a community who serves, worships, prays, and has fun together! The semester is off to a great start and we are looking forward to what's ahead!

If you are interested in joining a Home Team, it's not too late! Home Teams meet each week at 6:30.

Join us for prayer Friday morning at 7a.m. at John and Elya's house. There will be COFFEEEEEEE! :)

Sunday morning at 9a.m. there will be coffee, donuts, and Bible Study!

FREE! Meal is Sunday at 6p.m. Check out Twitter (@pioneercollege) or Facebook (Pioneer College Ministry) for clues to what the meal will be. Be the first to guess the meal and you will get to jump to the beginning of the line!

Have a great week!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

August 28th Kick-Off!

Join us Sunday morning for a FREE! Home-cooked breakfast in room 150 at 9a.m. followed by College Bible Study!

We also have FREE! Meal Sunday night at 6p.m. in the same room. FREE! Meal is open to any and all college students, so spread the word and bring your friends!

Hope to see you there.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Pioneer College Ministry Announces Home Team Leaders & Hosts for 2011

We are excited to announce our Home Team Schedule for the Fall 2011 Semester! This semester we are adding one more Home Team as a result of the awesome participation we had last semester! Home Teams will begin the week of September 5th, sign-ups will begin August 28th! All Home Teams meet from 6:30p.m.-8p.m.

Evening Group Host Leaders
Monday Ladies Allen & Chris Wilson Taylor Horn & Kaci Millay
Tuesday Ladies Duane & Laura Donaway Sarah Wesley & Hillary Ford Traca Broadstreet
Tuesday Ladies Dawson & Rhea Rodriguez Miranda Gibson & Allison Lovejoy
Wednesday Men Billy & Connie Stone Chad Moore & Landon Long
Wednesday Ladies Dennis & Cynthia Laster Autumn Taylor & Kelsey Evans
Wednesday Ladies John & Elya Whitten Chelsea Barker & Kendra Holt
Thursday Ladies Alexa Gabaree Lacy Stone & Jessica Johnson

Pioneer College Ministry Welcomes Landon Long to our Ministry Staff

We are excited to announce the addition of our first intern from Abilene Christian University! Landon Long, all the way from the great metropolis of Pampa, TX has been faithfully involved in our ministry and has been asked to serve this year as an intern in our ministry! Join us in welcoming Landon to our staff! We look forward to the leadership he will provide in our ministry as we continue to connect with students at ACU!

Landon joins Lacy Stone, the second member of our intern staff! Lacy does a tremendous job for our ministry! This year we are continued to be blessed by the service of Gayla Faught, our Administrative Assistant who works tirelessly to keep our ministry moving! We can’t ask for a better team of servants as we begin a new year!