Monday, October 10, 2011

We Can Find Joy in Waiting

This week I came across the poem below in a book I’m reading. It gave me much reassurance about various things and I thought I would share! What a wonderful reminder that God will give us what we need when we need it, that He desires to give us good gifts, and that we can have joy and praise him during times of wait.
Patience has been a difficult fruit of the Spirit to cultivate in my life, and I know it is hard for many people to feel content and joyful while waiting for something “bigger” or “better” in the future. Let’s remember that the life we have is a treasure, the moments we live now can be filled with joy even if we feel we haven’t “arrived” at where we need to be. God has everything in control, He has marvelous plans for our futures, but he also wants us to use the current time we have to accomplish his plans and purpose. He may have gifts in store for us now, or things he wants us to do, that we unknowingly let pass by because we are waiting for something to happen down the road. If you are in a season of waiting, you can trust God will provide exactly what you need when the time is right. Let’s give Him control of our lives, trust that He knows best, and discover the glorious moments we can spend in His presence right now.

"What is the point?" By Josiah Schwartz

The point in waiting is to enjoy
To love and worship God
In every act of your life
Including the waiting.
And in the waiting
Remember His nature
That He is the Giver of every perfect gift
That He desires to lavish you with such treasures
Treasures that are worth the wait
Solely because He is in them.
Rest in this:
He is going to give you
Exactly what you need
At exactly the time you need it.
That is reason to smile
That is reason to breathe easy
And rest in Him.
Let go of “when” and “if”
Because His ways
Are so much higher than yours.
His thoughts
Beyond what you could ever fathom
Because He loves you.
Oh, how He loves you.
And that is the point
of your entire existence
To experience His presence
His love
Inside every moment
Especially in the waiting.

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