Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Ways to Connect

Hey friends!

Join us Friday morning at 7a.m. for coffee and prayer at John and Elya's House!

This Sunday you get 2 FREE meals!!
FREE! Breakfast is Sunday morning at 9a.m. followed by Bible Study
FREE! Meal=Sunday night at 6! Check twitter & facebook Sunday at noon for the menu

Camp Eagle Fall Retreat (Nov. 4-6) is only $75 if you sign up before Oct. 16th! You won't want to miss this so reserve your spot ASAP (send us a message, or sign up on Sunday)

We are looking for a college guy to mentor a boy from Bonham Elementary. He is in need of a male role model to hang out with him and invest in him! Let us know if you are interested....about an hour/week.

If you are interested in singing in the Pioneer Drive Christmas Ensemble, let us know and we will get you more information!

Have a great week!

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