Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Seeing God at Lunch

So I have been reading a couple books lately about Corrie ten Boom, and it hit me how reluctant I have been the past few years to share my faith with people. It’s an easy thing to do on Sundays or around Christian friends when topics present themselves, but actually bringing up a spiritual conversation with someone in regular conversation, especially around a non-Christian has been something I haven’t done in a really long time. So the other day I was praying and asked God to provide a conversation at lunch the following day that would be God-centered, one where I might even be able to tell someone about Jesus! The next day I was a little skeptical, seeing as I hadn’t done that this whole semester and wondering how the following 30 minutes spent in the Caf would be any different from other days. I get my food and see a girl sitting alone so I go and sit across from her. She happens to be someone I have met before. We had talked previously some about how she doesn’t really have a religion, she has never been to church, and a majority of people around her back home are of a different religion. We started talking about school, places to go visit, education and the culture difference between where she is from and here…just carrying on a normal conversation. Then, I find out she went to a Bible study last week and I asked her how it went. Later she asked if I knew much about Buddhism, and I said I had heard about their belief in reincarnation. She asked if Christians believed in reincarnation and I said “No, we believe God created us and he came to earth in human form (Jesus) to die for us and take away our sins so we could be forgiven and live forever with him in Heaven…” and the conversation was off! We talked about creation, Jesus, sin, the joy I have from a personal relationship with God etc. At the end she mentioned how she has never felt that joy before and wondered if being a Christian is the only way to feel that. I said yes, it comes from having the Holy Spirit inside of us and being able to talk with Jesus and know him personally (a lot to take in for someone who hasn’t been exposed much to the faith, I know!). Then she asked about why there are evil people in the world, but I had four minutes to get to class, so we decided to continue talking later. …What an answer to prayer! I left the cafeteria feeling completely joyful and excited that God actually gave me an opportunity to share about him! He is so good! Its little things that happen like that which serve to remind us of His constant and living presence in our lives. May your week be blessed and may you see the fingerprints of God through situations you’re in as well!

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