Thursday, December 1, 2011

Howdy All!
Holy cow this semester has gone by quick! It seems like just yesterday we are coming back to Abilene to start the new year and now here we are with just 2 weeks left. I for one have had a great semester; I have met a bunch of new friends and I have had a lot of fun and I have even learned a little bit along the way. However it seems that I am stuck in the grind and I know these last 2 weeks are going to be killer. I would just assume be done and be home for the break but I would like to encourage you to press on. It says in 2 Chronicles 15:17b "Be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded." That verse has been an encouragement for me these last few days and I would like to make this a prayer for all of us college students looking for strength these last few papers, essays and final exams.
I heard a great quote by the late basketball coach, Jimmy Valvano, he said, "Don't give up... don't ever give up." Hopefully that can be the attitude you take in the next 2 weeks.
Currently listening to "Love Wins" by Robbie Seay Band

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