Saturday, February 25, 2012

Utterly Unyielding

As I was reading a paper for psychology the other day, I made my way over to dictionary .com to find the definition of a word. On the homepage I noticed their “word of the day” was adamantine, and it got me thinking. It means “utterly unyielding or firm in attitude or opinion; too hard to cut, break, or pierce; like a diamond in luster.” This first made me think about adamantium, the super strong, imaginary impenetrable metal from X-Men. But, then I thought how adamantine would be a great thing to describe how we should be as Christians.
It might seem like the complete opposite. We know we are supposed to yield to God wholeheartedly, and allow ourselves to be molded by Him, not being hard, but we are also called to be unyielding to the forces of the devil, not bending in our position to stand for Christ. We are to stand firm on the solid rock that Jesus is, always knowing that He paid the ultimate price for us, and he will have victory in the end. Sometimes we lose sight of God’s promises. We allow ourselves to get knocked down by the pressures and hardships we experience in life. It is in those times that if we don’t arm ourselves with the Lord we will be easy to break, and a target for the enemy. God says he will be with us through everything, and he gives us all we need to live. When we put on the full armor of the God (Ephesians 6:10 - 17) we will be prepared to take on anything that comes our way. Instead of being knocked down we can face our struggles with complete joy, resting in the assurance that God has everything under control. I also like the third definition, being like a diamond in luster. This makes me think of Zechariah 9:16-17 which says, “The Lord their God will save his people on that day as a shepherd saves his flock. They will sparkle in his land like jewels in a crown. How attractive and beautiful they will be!...” I love that imagery that we will sparkle like jewels! It’s easy to compare ourselves to others at times, to not feel as beautiful as people around us, or to feel inadequate when we fail at something, but we must remember that God sees us as his priceless treasure; we are beautiful in His sight and He makes us radiant! Let’s be strong this week with whatever we might come up against. Things are getting stressful as school work piles on, but we know that God can help us stay on track and keep us from being knocked down!

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