Thursday, October 27, 2011


Opportunity for service this Saturday from 4 to 6 at the friendship house Halloween carnival! If you are interested in helping work a booth or hanging out with kids let us know!

Prayer meets Friday morning at 7 at John and Elyas house!

College Bible Study is Sunday at 9am

FREE! Meal is Sunday night at 6! Costume contest- prizes for the best dressed!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Fullness of Christ

I was reading in Colossians this week and verses 9-14 in chapter 2 really struck me. I realized how important it is to remember the main point of the whole Gospel. Many of us have heard about Jesus dying on the cross so much that it becomes something we just skim over. But what a refreshment it is to examine what he really did, to stop and think about his amazing work. We have been given “fullness in Christ” (v 10)! And Christ is the fullness of God and has ultimate power over the whole universe! We are heirs with Christ, we were buried and raised with him, and he gives us access to all things his. I find myself often thinking how if this or that was added to my life it would make it so much better, but God says He will satisfy us completely. Everything we could ever want or need can be found in Him alone. When Christ died, our sinfulness was cut off from us, completely detached. We no longer are bound in sin. It may seem like sin is still a part of us but really, for we who are Christians, it is not a part of who we are at all. God has made us completely pure. It may still be in our life (we still sin), but Christ died so that our flesh no longer rules us. Sin has no power over us. We have been given the right and the authority to banish it away.
Let’s remember Christ’s work on the Cross. He has forgiven us. He has made it so there is a way to get to Him without owing him anything. We have been given all of Christ, all of God; sin is not a part of God in any respect, so it is no longer a part of us. When it creeps into our minds and our lives, let’s not give it a chance to take over. Christ has given us the power to resist it and turn away.

Thank you Jesus for making us alive in you! Thank you that our flesh no longer rules us, but your Spirit does. You have done the work to rid us of all unrighteousness. Help us today to fight back the sinful desires we still have. They do not have any part in our lives and we know that with your power, we can turn the other way. Thank you that you are all we need. Help us to fix our eyes on you alone. Rid us of all distractions so we can focus on your face and can grow deeper in a beautiful relationship with you. Amen.

- S

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Hello friends!

Friday morning at 7 is Prayer at John and Elya's house! There will be coffee so get excited!

College Bible Study is Sunday at 9a.m. followed by FREE! Meal at 6pm! Spread the word!

Sunday is the last day to sign up for Camp Eagle Fall Retreat! Cost is $85 Let us know if you are interested!

Cowboys for the Cure is next week. If you are interested in putting together a soft ball team let us know and we will get you more information! Check out the Facebook Event Cowboys for the Cure for more details!

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hey guys!

There is no prayer or FREE! Meal this week. It will be back next week!

Join us for coffee, donuts, and Bible Study Sunday morning at 9a.m!

Sign up/ pay for Camp Eagle fall retreat! You won't want to miss it!
This Sunday is the last day to pay $75 for Camp Eagle! If you pay after the 16th, the cost will be $85!

Have a great week!

Monday, October 10, 2011

We Can Find Joy in Waiting

This week I came across the poem below in a book I’m reading. It gave me much reassurance about various things and I thought I would share! What a wonderful reminder that God will give us what we need when we need it, that He desires to give us good gifts, and that we can have joy and praise him during times of wait.
Patience has been a difficult fruit of the Spirit to cultivate in my life, and I know it is hard for many people to feel content and joyful while waiting for something “bigger” or “better” in the future. Let’s remember that the life we have is a treasure, the moments we live now can be filled with joy even if we feel we haven’t “arrived” at where we need to be. God has everything in control, He has marvelous plans for our futures, but he also wants us to use the current time we have to accomplish his plans and purpose. He may have gifts in store for us now, or things he wants us to do, that we unknowingly let pass by because we are waiting for something to happen down the road. If you are in a season of waiting, you can trust God will provide exactly what you need when the time is right. Let’s give Him control of our lives, trust that He knows best, and discover the glorious moments we can spend in His presence right now.

"What is the point?" By Josiah Schwartz

The point in waiting is to enjoy
To love and worship God
In every act of your life
Including the waiting.
And in the waiting
Remember His nature
That He is the Giver of every perfect gift
That He desires to lavish you with such treasures
Treasures that are worth the wait
Solely because He is in them.
Rest in this:
He is going to give you
Exactly what you need
At exactly the time you need it.
That is reason to smile
That is reason to breathe easy
And rest in Him.
Let go of “when” and “if”
Because His ways
Are so much higher than yours.
His thoughts
Beyond what you could ever fathom
Because He loves you.
Oh, how He loves you.
And that is the point
of your entire existence
To experience His presence
His love
Inside every moment
Especially in the waiting.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Ways to Connect

Hey friends!

Join us Friday morning at 7a.m. for coffee and prayer at John and Elya's House!

This Sunday you get 2 FREE meals!!
FREE! Breakfast is Sunday morning at 9a.m. followed by Bible Study
FREE! Meal=Sunday night at 6! Check twitter & facebook Sunday at noon for the menu

Camp Eagle Fall Retreat (Nov. 4-6) is only $75 if you sign up before Oct. 16th! You won't want to miss this so reserve your spot ASAP (send us a message, or sign up on Sunday)

We are looking for a college guy to mentor a boy from Bonham Elementary. He is in need of a male role model to hang out with him and invest in him! Let us know if you are interested....about an hour/week.

If you are interested in singing in the Pioneer Drive Christmas Ensemble, let us know and we will get you more information!

Have a great week!