Monday, December 3, 2012

We are almost done!

Hey everyone! :)

We are so close to finishing the semester! I hope you all are keeping focus in what needs to be done as deadlines approach! Good luck, study hard, and do some yoga...that should help.

"Our thoughts create our reality -- where we put our focus is the direction we tend to go." -Peter McWilliams

Here are the announcements:

1) Bible Study this Sunday is at 10:30am in the Gym, not the Allen Room! We will also have a Christmas party with prizes, contests, and muffins! Wear your crazy Christmas sweaters!

2) There is no FREE! Meal this Sunday evening!

3) On December 11th, we will have our annual Pancake Study Break! It will be in the Fellowship Hall at 7pm. An important addition for this year is that Piano Man will be playing! It's going to be a great relaxing time so we hope everyone can make it!

4) You can still email us if you have questions about Romania!

Have a great week and don't stress out too much!

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