Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Weekly Announcements and Being in the Present

Hey everyone!

A problem I've had this semester that has been harder to overcome now than at any other point in my life is being in the present moment. It's not unusual for me to think about the future, but at this current point in life, it's been harder to bring myself back to the present. I'm thinking about grad school, careers, traveling, relationships, and all sorts of things that indeed are very important, but it causes me to forget about where I am now. In turn, I become anxious and unappreciative of things in my present. I would encourage everyone this week to notice where you are. Don't allow yourself to act on auto-pilot, but have awareness of the beauty in life there is to appreciate, the strengths and weaknesses within yourself, the people to love where you are now, and the things which bring wholeness to you physically, spiritually, intellectually, and emotionally.

And now for the announcements!

1) After the 9am service in The Gathering, come join us in the Allen Room at 10:30am on Sunday for Bible Study! We’ll have teaching, fellowship, and coffee & donuts!

2) There is no FREE! Meal this weekend! However, if you are an ACU student, then head to John and Elya’s house on Sunday for the ACU FREE! Meal during HSU’s Fall Break! 6pm at 625 Glenhaven!

3) You can still sign up for the ski trip happening this Spring Break! Email us at if you are interested! 20 spots left and they’ll fill up fast! The first deposit is due December 1st and is $150!

4) Camp Eagle is November 2nd-4th, and sign-ups have started! It’s $75 if you pay by Oct. 21st, and $90 from Oct. 22nd and on. Click the link to pay!

Have an awesome week!

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