Monday, April 23, 2012

Announcement Time! Woohoo!

Hey everybody! :) Here is your weekly dosage of announcements:

No more meetings at John and Elya's for prayer this semester! Check back next semester to find out the next meeting time!

This Sunday on April 29th at 8am is We Are The Sermon!! :) This is the time of year that we go out together to serve in our community. We will meet at 8am at the Abilene State Supported Living Center. We will help out with whatever needs to be done, so come prepared and wear something you wouldn't mind getting dirty! There will also be a smaller group going to the Care Inn to help work with senior citizens in doing crafts, a worship service, etc... This will be a great day, so hopefully you can make it! There will be FREE! Lunch at the Abilene State Supported Living Center! This also means that there will be no FREE! Meal that night! If you have not signed up to go yet, then email

Be at college Bible Study on May 6th  at 9am as we say thanks to all of our adult workers (in addition to many other things that morning). We want to celebrate what has happened this year, so join us in this ministry-wide celebration!

As mentioned above, don't forget that there will be no FREE! Meal Sunday evening!

I hope you thoroughly enjoy your week! :)

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