Monday, April 30, 2012

Announcements! :)

Hey everyone! :)

We are so close to summer!! It's so exciting to be so close to the end of another semester! I know it's hard, but hang in there until the very end. Here are the announcements:

This is the last week for Home Teams!

FREE! Breakfast is this Sunday in College Bible Study at 9am!

This Sunday, May 6th, we will have our end of the year celebration at College Bible Study! We will be recognizing the people that have contributed a lot of time and energy to our ministry.

The Leadership Appreciation Dinner is this Sunday, May 6th, at 6pm!

May 8th is Pancake Study Break from 7pm-9pm!

Have an amazing week and don't stress out!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Announcement Time! Woohoo!

Hey everybody! :) Here is your weekly dosage of announcements:

No more meetings at John and Elya's for prayer this semester! Check back next semester to find out the next meeting time!

This Sunday on April 29th at 8am is We Are The Sermon!! :) This is the time of year that we go out together to serve in our community. We will meet at 8am at the Abilene State Supported Living Center. We will help out with whatever needs to be done, so come prepared and wear something you wouldn't mind getting dirty! There will also be a smaller group going to the Care Inn to help work with senior citizens in doing crafts, a worship service, etc... This will be a great day, so hopefully you can make it! There will be FREE! Lunch at the Abilene State Supported Living Center! This also means that there will be no FREE! Meal that night! If you have not signed up to go yet, then email

Be at college Bible Study on May 6th  at 9am as we say thanks to all of our adult workers (in addition to many other things that morning). We want to celebrate what has happened this year, so join us in this ministry-wide celebration!

As mentioned above, don't forget that there will be no FREE! Meal Sunday evening!

I hope you thoroughly enjoy your week! :)

Monday, April 16, 2012

Get Ready for Announcements!

Hey everyone! :) It's hard to believe that this semester is almost over! Hopefully you guys are hangin in there! Here are your weekly announcements:

Prayer is this Friday at 7am at John and Elya's house!

This Friday, April 20th, the Pioneer Student Leadership team is going to ACU's chapel at 11am! If you would like to go, then visit the link for the Facebook event to get the details!!/events/434071539953202/

For all you seniors at PDBC, this Sunday, April 22nd, from 4:30pm-8:30pm, there will be a Senior Mini-Seminar! Come ready to discuss life after college! Don't forget! And see the link for more details!!/events/333709850010554/

We Are The Sermon is coming up on April 29th! One group will work at the Abilene State Supported Living Center, and a smaller group will be at the Care Inn helping senior citizens with crafts, a worship service, etc...

If you plan on joining the Pioneer Student Leadership team, then don't forget about your interview! Bring your application to your interview as well. If you have any questions or haven't signed up, then email John at

Bible Study is this Sunday at 9am!

FREE! Meal is Sunday evening at 6pm!

Have a wonderful week! :)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Desiring Hunger

I was driving back to campus last night and happened to turn on the radio when an interesting interview was getting started. The woman talking was telling everyone the struggle she has had throughout her life to consistently read her Bible. This woman grew up in church, and was a strong Christian, but the habit of daily making time to read God’s word never seemed to stick. They used a metaphor to describe this situation that I really liked… Imagine someone came up to you and said, “I think it is so great you eat breakfast, lunch and dinner every day. That just amazes me, how on earth do you do it?!” We might say something like, “Well of course I eat every day, it’s not hard at all, because I’m hungry!” Our stomachs get hungry every day, and more than once a day (that’s pretty amazing isn’t it?!), but we don’t have to make ourselves eat; we want to eat our meals, because we know it will satisfy our hunger! They were making the point that reading our Bibles does not take dedication, it takes being hungry for the Lord. It might be hard at first, to carve out time in our day if we’re not used to it, but if we are hungry for God, we will desire that time with him and be overjoyed when we get to dive into his Word. Reading will become something that we feel we can’t live without. The woman mentioned before struggled to find the time at first, but she ended up reading her Bible out loud during breakfast to her kids every morning. Not only did she benefit from it, but her kids did too! She has even written a book about the importance of reading the Bible as a family.

So, my take-away is that I need and want to develop a hunger and desire for God that is so intense it seems only natural to daily read his word. I want Bible reading to become a habit for the rest of my life, and a joy, not something I feel I need more dedication to do. Prayer is a great first step. If you are in the same situation of not making adequate time to read the Bible, pray for God to give you a hunger that will provoke you to be daily in His Word. Some days may be harder than others, but if we have hunger for the Word, we will make sure to satisfy that hunger.

- SL

“Your words were found and I ate them, and Your words became for me a joy and the delight of my heart; For I have been called by Your name, O LORD God of hosts.” - Jeremiah 15:16 (NASB)

Monday, April 9, 2012

Announcement Time!

Hello! :) Here's the announcements!

Prayer is this Friday at John and Elya's house at 7am!

This Friday evening is Night at the Ranch! Meet at Nelson park by the playground at 6pm. We will carpool out there. IF you need to meet us out there, see the Night at the Ranch Facebook event through Pioneer College Ministry for directions. We will leave at 11pm and return around 11:30pm. There will be four wheelers, ping pong, billiards, hiking, a trampoline, and hopefully a fire! So come hang out!

Sunday morning is Bible Study at 9am!

Sunday at 5pm, the Baylor University Choir will be singing in the Worship Center and then eating FREE! Meal with us! Join us to support them!

FREE! Meal is Sunday evening at 6pm!

The Leadership Interest Meeting for 2012-2013 is this Sunday at 7:00pm in the cafe! Come hear what leadership at Pioneer is all about.

The Senior Mini Seminar is April 22nd at PDBC! It will be from 5pm-9pm in the cafe! RSVP on the Facebook event through Pioneer College Ministry! We will be talking about issues you will face as you graduate/are about to graduate. This is for anyone who graduated last December, will graduate this May, or next December.

We Are The Sermon is April 29th! One group will be at the Abilene State Supported Living Center, and a smaller group will be at the Care Inn helping senior citizens with crafts, worship service, etc...

Have a great week everyone! :)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Our Break is Almost Here!

Hey everyone! Good Friday is almost here and we can all relax and enjoy the day! But first, it's time for a few announcements!

There will be no prayer this Friday at John and Elya's!

On Easter Sunday there will be an 8:00am service in the Conference Center and a 10:00am service at the Civic Center!

There is no FREE! Meal Sunday night!

There will be a Leadership Interest Meeting on April 15th at 7pm in the cafe after FREE! Meal for those of you interested in being on our Leadership team!

Have a great Easter weekend! :)