Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Hey guys! Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!
Friday morning we will have coffee, breakfast, and prayer at 7a.m. at John and Elya's house
Sunday morning is College Bible Study at 9a.m.
Join us Sunday at noon in room 150 for the College Christmas Party! FREE! Lunch, fun games, and awesome give-aways! Wear your best Christmas Sweater for a chance to win a prize!
No FREE! Meal at 6 this week.
Dec. 10th Service Project from 4 to 6
Dec. 11th Pancake Study Break at 8!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Sunday 11/13 - Jeremiah

This past Sunday we heard a lesson about Jeremiah! Here’s a recap for anyone who was not at Bible study, or if you would like a reminder…

Jeremiah was a prophet called from God to deliver bad news to Judah. In chapter 1 we see God make Jeremiah some wonderful promises. God said his presence would always be with Jeremiah and he would protect him.

In chapter 20 however, we see a stark constrast. Jeremiah is crying out to God asking him to curse the day he was born! He is fed up with being ridiculed and mocked. He begins to wonder where God is in the midst of his troubles. But, even through his doubt and frustration, he continues to do as God tells him. He might have hesitated to continue doing God’s work, but his hesitation did not lead to refusal.

Jeremiah shows us how it is okay to be honest with God. We will all have times in our life that are extremely difficult, but it is important even if we doubt, to not forget the promises God has given us, to not give up, and to keep pressing on to follow God’s will for our lives. Just because we experience opposition at times, and things may get hard, that doesn’t change God’s plan for us. God doesn’t promise to make life easy, but he does promise to be with us through it all. When we have times of doubt, we can use that time to strengthen our relationship with God and deepen our faith. When it seems like we’re stuck in the middle and we have lost sight of God’s initial promises and of how great the ending will be, we can find out more about who God is and who we are. God’s power is made perfect in our weaknesses. When we struggle, he can work the most! Being the hands and feet of Christ costs us everything, but it is by far the best thing we could ever do in our entire life.

When we feel we have lost sight of God, remember that we can come to him with anything. Jeremiah gives us an example of what being brutally honest with God can look like, but he also shows us how important it is to fulfill God’s call and not give up even when things get rough.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

This week!

Coffee and Prayer at John and Elya's- Friday at 7a.m.

We are really excited about this Sunday. The topic is Global Awareness. We will be hearing testimonies from several students. You won't want to miss it! - College Bible Study Sunday morning at 9a.m.

FREE! Meal Sunday night at 6!- Opportunity to help others: Bring loose change or money to help fight World Hunger!

Can't go home for Thanksgiving?? A couple from the church would love to have two college students over for a Thanksgiving Meal at their home! If you are interested contact Gayla at College@pdbc.org First come first serve!

Have a great weekend and a wonderful break!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Hey guys!
Join us Friday morning at 7a.m. for coffee and prayer at John and Elya's house!
FREE! Breakfast will be Sunday at 9 followed by College Bible Study
FREE! Meal is Sunday night at 6p.m.
Have a great week!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Camp Eagle! - Part 1

We’re back! What an amazing few days many students at Pioneer had in Rocksprings, Texas this past weekend. Thank you to all who went and helped to make the retreat a success! Whether by rock climbing, navigating a dark underground labyrinth, swinging like Tarzan in The Mill, or sleeping and meditating on God’s word, I think it’s safe to say everyone got a much needed break from the stressors of school. It was a wonderful time to get to know others, withdrawal from our day to day routine, and find rest and excitement!
Here are some pics!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Comfort Zones

Howdy all, It's that time again where I get to write down thoughts I have on the Philosophy of Religion and the question of Theodicy...not really that would be awful for both you and me. I would like to share with you what a significant portion of my summer consisted of. I spent half of this summer in Branson, Missouri working a K-Kountry, a Christian summer camp for 7-11 year olds where it's all about fun, our slogan is "The Happiest Place on Earth." and it really is, if you know Kelsey Evans or Bubby Harrell they can attest to that. Working at kamp (it's all about the K) was a tremendous blessing. Honestly I was far from 'pumped' to work this summer. It was going to require sacrifice, I was going to be pushed out of my comfort zone and I was going to be making far less money as a counselor than I would have made working at home, but sometimes we have to take risks and I can say now I am so glad I followed God's call for my summer and went to Branson.

Kamp was a blast, I got to work with some amazing college students from around the country and I got to see kids experience a real encounter with the God of the universe. I consider this summer one of the most rewarding experiences while also being one of the most exhausting, and if given the opportunity I would do it again in a heartbeat. I learned so much while working, I learned what it meant to sell out for Christ and give it your all... Even when I was tired and worn out, because I was there to give kids the best summer of their lives and show them Christ.

I learned real quick that I could not do it on my own. I was a parent, a coach and a friend to a bunch of kids 24/7 for 4 weeks and it wore me out. This summer I learned how to rely on God to get through the hard times. It was the mourning quiet time and late-night porch talks with my co-consoler that made waking up that next day much easier. It was the encouragement and prayer that help me realize that I had to strip away flesh and remember I was there for the kids. In the end all of the piggy back rides up the hill after ultimate recess, all the cheers and skits, all the kids jumping on you and tackling you in the swimming pool, all the long days teaching archery and tennis were worth every second of it. I saw kids live's changed. I saw God's spirit move and I had a lot of fun along the way.

Sometimes God calls us to step out of our comfort zone, it won't be easy, but it will be rewarding, both in your life as well as in others.

Currently listening to: "Let Us Love" by NeedToBreathe

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Helllllooooo there!

  • Join us Sunday morning for Bible Study at 9a.m.

  • No FREE! Meal this week :( It will be back Nov. 13th!

  • Camp Eagle is this weekend! Woo hoo!

Hope everyone is having a great week!