Monday, March 26, 2012

It's time for Announcements!!

Hey everyone! I hope yall are having a great week! We have some exciting things coming up, so check out these announcements:

This Thursday at 6:30pm, there will be a guys cookout at John's house! If you're a guy and you want to go, just message John to RSVP! It will be fun!

Prayer is this Friday at John and Elya's house at 7am! It's a great way to start the day!

Bible Study is at 9am on Sunday morning! We will have FREE! Breakfast and continue discussing the life of Christ!

Sunday at 6pm we will have FREE! Meal! Woohoo!

Tuesday, April 3rd, we will have our night to Experience Easter: A Self Guided Journey of Reflection and Restoration. It will be from 7pm-midnight, and you can come and go as you please! This will be a great night to engage God and the Easter story as you feel comfortable to do so. :)

Interested in joining Pioneer’s Student’s Leadership Team?

We are looking forward to the 2012-2013 school year with
great anticipation! Our Student Leadership Team is an incredible way to build
community with like-minded students who want to impact their worlds with the
love of Jesus. We believe God has called us to impact leadership for this
generation to shape their worlds in the future! Through this ministry you will
learn more about yourself and what it means for YOU to lead in the kingdom of

Join us for an informational meeting on Sunday, April
15th @ 7:15p.m. in the Café (after FREE! Meal) to hear what this is
all about and decide if this is something you want to pursue!

I hope yall have a wonderful day!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Reflections on Bastrop

Welcome back to school everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic break and a good 1st week back. I thought I would share some about the trip to Bastrop that the BSM and some Pioneer students went on last week. It was a great trip! Stay tuned during Bible study for more student’s spring break stories :)

A little background: Last September huge wildfires (the largest in Texas history!) blazed through Bastrop and surrounding areas. An estimated 34,000 acres of land and over 1,600 houses have been destroyed. Many families are still without homes and there is a lot of cleanup that still needs to be done.

So, 14 of us left Abilene for 6 days to help! We stayed at a church who hosted us and most days went to the Disaster Recovery Center to eat meals before heading off to our assigned projects. Part of our group worked on building a couple storage sheds for families while the rest of us went to different locations to do things like gather up dead tree limbs, dig a garden, clean things up and do other projects. A memorable experience for me, and most of us probably, was getting to hear the story of one woman who we got to help. Jennice and her husband have 7 children, 4 of which are adopted and have special needs. They lost pretty much everything in the fire. It was already difficult for her and her husband to raise their large family, but the added shock and heartache of losing all they owned and going through financial battles and health issues, brings some major obstacles for this family to overcome. Jennice’s great faith in the Lord, her strong spirit, and heart full of compassion is inspiring. I know they and other families will make it through, because God is good and even though tragedy has struck, He can bring wholeness and healing to these people’s lives once again.

Another experience that touched me was when I got to sift through some cracked tile, broken ceramic plates and cups, a coffee pot, mirror, and other items that were once part of a family’s home. Getting to pick those up brought home the message that things like this fire can happen to anyone. It seemed surreal thinking that these things I was holding were some of the few remains a family had left of their entire previous way of living. It makes me grateful for what I have yet reminds me how I shouldn’t put stock in my material possessions. The only thing my joy should be in is the Lord. He alone can give us perfect contentment.
Throughout the week I loved getting to know the people on our team and times we got to just hang out, but it was also great helping with clean-up projects, and being around people in the community. This trip was an eye opening experience for me and I am so glad I got the opportunity to see firsthand the impact an event like this can have on people’s lives.

If anyone would be interested in helping with the continuing recovery effort, Pioneer is taking another trip to Bastrop this summer! It’s something to consider :)


Monday, March 19, 2012

Welcome Back from Spring Break! :)

Hey guys! Hopefully everyone had a wonderful Spring Break. I know some people probably need another break to recover from the one we just had! Here are some announcements:

Prayer is this Friday at John and Elya's house. Be there at 7am!

Come to the garage sale by K-mart on Pioneer Drive starting Thursday at 7pm-9pm for $5! It's free Friday at 8am-6pm, and Saturday at 8am-12pm!

Bible Study will be Sunday at 9am! We will discuss the mission trips people did over Spring Break!

FREE! Meal is Sunday at 6pm!

Have a wonderful week! :)

Monday, March 5, 2012

We're almost to Spring Break! Here's the announcements:

Hey guys! We've almost made it! Spring Break is on the horizon. There's not a whole lot to say as far as announcements, but here are a couple of things:

Be praying for people that are going to be on mission trips over Spring Break. A lot of people are doing different things, so just be aware and encourage those people.

There will be prayer this week at John and Elya's. Be there at 7am!

FREE! Meal is NOT happening this Sunday or next Sunday! So spread the word that way no one will show up hungry and alone. :)

And last of all, have a wonderful and relaxing Spring Break so yall can come back refreshed! :)